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  • English name: SAMIR BANNOUT
  • Native name: ---
  • Alias: ['THE LION OF LEBANON']
  • Award: ---

Description: Samir bannout is a lebanese bodybuilder and actor, holder of the title "mr. olympia" (1983). samir began to engage in early bodybuilding - the first training began at 14. rapid growth of muscles and almost perfect proportions were noticeable from the first months of training, which quickly developed bannout's interest in bodybuilding. the first training gym he equipped directly on the roof of his own house. after six months of training, bannout won the lebanese junior championship, which further fueled his enthusiasm. soon samir moved from lebanon to the united states. a professional ifbb card was awarded in 1979 after winning the amateur world championships in montreal. in 1983, he was bowed to the main bodybuilding title - mr. olympia. however, after such a brilliant triumph, samir's career approached its sunset. in 1984, samir was suspended for 3 years by the ifbb from competitions held by the federation due to a conflict with one of its functionaries. in the future, he failed to win serious victories. bannout left professional bodybuilding in 1996. thus, his sports career lasted 17 years. in 2002, bannout took a deserved place in the ifbb hall of fame.


  • Birth date: Nov. 7, 1955, midnight
  • Death date: ---
  • Blood type: ---
  • Eye color: ---
  • Gender: ---
  • Race: ---
  • Height: 173


  • Highest education level: ---
# Date Alma mater

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  • Lebanon


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# Date Net worth Annual income


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